Lucius F. Wright, M. D.
ADDRESS 1721 North Highland Avenue
Jackson, Tennessee, 38301
EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts, 1970
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee
Doctor of Medicine, 1974
University of Alabama School of Medicine
Birmingham, Alabama
TRAINING 1974-1975
Internal Medicine Internship
University of Alabama Hospitals and Clinics
Birmingham, Alabama
Internal Medicine Residency Fitzsimons Army Medical Center Denver, Colorado
Nephrology Fellowship Brooke Army Medical Center Fort Sam Houston, Texas
National Board of Medical Examiners, 1975
American Board of Internal Medicine, 1977
Nephrology Subspecialty Examination, 1980
1979-1980 Staff, Nephrology Service
1980-1983 Chief, Nephrology Service
Medical Director, Hemodialysis Unit Director, Nephrology Training Program Brooke Army Medical Center Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 78234
1980-1983 Nephrology Consultant
United States Army Health Services Command
Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 78234
March-May 1982 Internist, Medical Company
Logistical Support Element
Multinational Forces and Observers (Sinai) APO New York 09679
The Jackson Clinic Professional Association 1983-2019
Board of Directors 1989-1993
Chairman, Board of Directors, 1991-1992
Medical Director 1993-1997
Quality Improvement Committee 1996-2014
Chair, 2004-2014
Recipient of Founders Award, 2006
Dialysis Clinic, Inc., Jackson, Humboldt, Brownsville, and Paris, and Lexington, Tennessee
Medical Director 1986-2019
Vice-Chairman, Medical Directors’ Advisory Committee 1997-98
Chairman, MDAC, 1998-1999.
Program Director, Medical Director’s Training Course 1998-2005
Jackson-Madison County General Hospital, Jackson, Tennessee
Finance Committee, Board of Trustees, 1989-1994
Chairman, Department of Medicine, 1989, 1990, 1991
Chairman, MICU Committee 1987, 1988,
Chairman, Bylaws Committee, 1986, 1995, 1996
Medical Executive Committee, 1984, 1985
Medical Care Review Committee, 2002- Medical Staff Leadership Committee, 2008- 2018 Chair, Utilization Review Committee, 2012-2014
Medical Director, Dialysis Unit, 1991-1996; 2002-2008
Secretary, Medical Staff, 2006-2008
ce Chief of Medical Staff, 2008-2010
Vice Chief of Medical Staff, 2010-2012
Immediate Past Chief of Staff, 2012-2014
Regional Hospital of Jackson 1983-2018
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, 1995-2001
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine 1987-1995
Clinical Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, 1983-1987
University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences
Memphis, Tennessee
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, Texas, 1981-1983
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Philadelphia, PA, 2006-2008
Consolidated Medical Assembly of West Tennessee
Tennessee Medical Association American Society of Nephrology Renal Physicians Association
American College of Physicians, Fellow
Tennessee Chapter Councilor 1984-1990
TN Chapter Chair, Health and Public Policy Committee 1984-1990
Board of Directors, Network 8, Incorporated, 2013-2019
Vice Chair, 2018-2019
State of Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Renal Disease Advisory
Committee, 1991-2018; Chair, Renal Disease Advisory Committee 2010-2018
Jackson Clinic Representative, Council of Accountable Physician Practices, 2005-2016 Leadership Curriculum Project 2011-2012
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee Statewide Physician Advisory Panel on Quality
Management and Reporting, 2007-2010
American Medical Group Association
Awards & Advisory Committee, Models of Excellence Program 1998-2008
Results Based Payment Workgroup 2007
American Medical Group Foundation Hypertension Demonstration Project Steering
Committee, 2012-2013
Guest Lecturer, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Atlanta; 2006
Board of Directors, Jackson-Madison County Health Care Foundation, 1989-1997
Chairman, Advisory Board, Tennessee Donor Services of Jackson, 1988-1990
National Kidney Foundation of West Tennessee, Board of Directors, 1988-1992
Board of Directors, South Texas Organ Bank, 1982-1983
1. Wright, L. F. Maintenance Hemodialysis. Boston, G. K. Hall, 1981.
2. Wright, L. F. and J. A. Baggett. The History of The Jackson Clinic. Jackson, TN., Guild
Bindery Press, 1992.
3. Wright L. F. A Medical Director’s Syllabus. Nashville, DCI, 1998.
4. Wright, L. F. History of The Jackson Clinic: The First 50 Years. Jackson, TN: The
Jackson Clinic Professional Association, 2000.
5. Wright, L. F. A Medical Director’s Syllabus. Nashville, DCI, 2008.
1. Wright, L. F. Stories of Life. Jackson TN: Main Street Publishing, 2014.
2. Wright, L. F. Wright Families of Southside Virginia, 1755-1820. (Berwyn Heights, MD, Heritage Books, 2014.)
1. Bicknell, S. L., McCollum, O. W., Wright, L. F. Urinary Tract Disorders. Chapter 46 in Rakel, R. E.,(ed): Textbook of Family Practice. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1995, pp. 1302-1344.
2. Bicknell, S. L., McCollum, O. W., Wright, L. F. Urinary Tract Disorders. Chapter 46 in Rakel, R. E.,(ed): Textbook of Family Practice. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 2002, pp.1275-1313.
1. Wright, LF. Physiology of the lower esophageal sphincter. Ala J Med Sci
2. Tauxe RV, Wright LF, Hirschowitz BI. Marginal ulcer in achlorhydric patients.
Ann Surg 1975;181:455-458.
3. Wright LF, Slaughter RL, Gibson RG, Hirschowitz BI. Correlation of lower esophageal sphincter pressure and serum gastrin in man. Am J Dig Dis1975;20:603-606.
4. Hirschowitz BI, Gibson RG, Wright L, Hutchison G. Changed cholinergic receptor characteristics after vagotomy in gastric fistula dogs. Am J Physiol
5. Wright LF, Hirschowitz BI. Gastric acid secretion. Am J Dig Dis 1976;21:409-
6. Wright LF, Gibson RG, Hirschowitz BI. Lack of caffeine stimulation of gastrin release in man. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1977;154:538-539.
7. Wright LF. Phenformin-induced lactic acidosis. Ala J Med Sci 1977;14:290-292.
8. Wright LF, Myers WD. Medical management of home hemodialysis patients.
Ann Intern Med 1978;89:367-372.
9. Foulks CJ, Wright LF. Successful repletion of bicarbonate stores in ongoing
lactic acidosis: a role for bicarbonate-buffered peritoneal dialysis. Sou Med J
10. Wright LF, Lifschitz MD, Rosenblatt SG. High urine flow rate increases prostaglandin E excretion in conscious dog. Prostaglandins 1981;22:21-34.
11. Wright LF. Army dialysis: past, present, and future. Milit Med 1982;147:738-
12. Johnson JE, Wright LF. Observations on thiazide-induced hyponatremia. Sou
Med J 1983;76:1363-1367.
13. Wright LF, Saylor RP, Cecere FA. Occult lead intoxication in patients with gout and kidney disease. J Rheumatol 1984;11:517-520.
14. Saylor RP, Sarosdy MF, Wright LF, Banowsky LH: Hypercalcemia-induced upper gastrointestinal bleeding after renal transplantation. Urology1984;24:337-339.
15. Wright LF, Bicknell SL. Polyarteritis nodosa presenting as epididymitis. J Urol
16. Wright LF, DuVal JW. Renal injury associated with laxative abuse. Sou Med J
17. Wright LF, Reese EP, Bicknell SL. Renovascular hypertension following combination
chemotherapy of testicular cancer. J Urol 1988;139:134-135.
18. Foulks CJ, Mills GM, Wright LF. Parathyroid hormone and anaemia—an erythrocyte osmotic fragility study in primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Postgrad Med J 1989;65:136-139.
19. Wright LF. Survival in patients with end stage renal disease. Am J Kidney Dis
20. Wright LF, Warmath A, Osborne E, Bullock M. Continuous quality improvement in dialysis clinics. Dialysis and Transplantation 1992;21:568-576.
21. Wright LF. Continuous quality improvement: wave of the future? Semin Dial
22. Wright LF, Francisco SM, Warmath A, Gibbs B, Perkins P, Turner D. Improving outcomes for hemodialysis patients by using continuous quality improvement. Dialysis and Transplantation 1996;25:346-353.
ABSTRACTS (not otherwise published)
1. Wright LF. Home dialysis in an Army hospital. Kidney Int 1982;21:183.
2. Foulks CJ, Wright LF. Effect of asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism
(PTHD) on renal concentration and acidification. Kidney Int 1983;23:99.
3. Saylor RP, Cable H, Wright LF. Early diagnosis of adult polycystic kidney disease (PCKD): clinical features and comparison of radiologic methods of diagnosis. Kidney Int 1983;23:134.
1. Panel Discussion “Real World Evidence.” I for Pharma Conference, Washington, D.C.,
15 October 2013.
2. “Evidence Based Medicine—Lessons from the Dialysis Unit.” Renal Grand Rounds, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 28 October 2005, Nashville, Tennessee.
3. Leadership for Physicians Seminar, The Jackson Clinic, 15 October 2005.
4. “The Nephrologist in the Dialysis Unit.” Renal Physicians Association Fall Fellows
Meeting. 10 September 2004, Dallas, Texas.
5. “Leadership in Medical Organizations: Why Is It So Hard and So Rare?” American Medical Group Association National Conference on Physician Directed Healthcare. 27 February 2003, Hollywood, Florida.
6. “Do the K/DOQI Guidelines Improve Outcomes for Patients with ESRD?” Renal
Grand Rounds, New England Medical Center, Boston, Mass., 15 November
7. ”The Medical Director: Everything You Wanted to Know, but Were Afraid to Ask.” DCI Annual Nurse/Administrator Meeting, 24 March 2002, Hilton Head Island, S. C.
8. “CQI in Dialysis Units.” Network 8 Annual Meeting, April 2000, Gatlinburg, Tennessee
9. “Building Resilient Dialysis Units to Prosper in Turbulent Times.” DCI Annual
Meeting, October 1999, St. Pete Beach, Florida.